What is the MTP?

Everyone relies on transportation.

Marylanders depend on an interconnected system of facilities and assets that keep us moving and connected to jobs, goods, services, and each other. From the port and airports that deliver cargo and passengers via waterways and airways, to transit services, sidewalks, bike lanes, motor vehicles, and state highways that move people and vehicles large and small along roadways, railways, and bridges — there is one Maryland transportation system.

The 2050 Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP), the “Playbook,” will improve how MDOT moves goods and services and connect people to the places where they live, work and play. The Playbook clearly outlines MDOT’s vision to provide safe, reliable, accessible, equitable, and sustainable transportation options to Marylanders across the State. Everyone has a part to play in planning, delivering, and operating Maryland’s multimodal transportation system.

The Playbook clearly outlines MDOT’s vision to provide safe, reliable, accessible, equitable, and sustainable transportation options to Marylanders across the State.

Maryland’s needs, priorities, and resources are reflected in the Playbook mission, vision, guiding principles, and goals. The Playbook will guide transportation policies and investment strategies, with a focus on delivering exemplary customer service, leveraging federal dollars, and developing the necessary workforce to deliver projects on time and within budget.

Like any good plan for a successful sports team, the Playbook is comprised of numerous scenarios, examples, and detailed options for how MDOT plans to continue delivering safe, sustainable, intelligent, exceptional, and inclusive transportation solutions for all Marylanders.

Marylanders count on MDOT. People of all ages and abilities are affected by MDOT’s capability to anticipate their needs, respond to challenges, and work together. They trust MDOT, and that trust is taken seriously.

Everyone has a part to play in planning, delivering, and operating Maryland’s transportation system; working together to deliver a connected and integrated transportation system.

The Playbook represents a vision for the future of transportation in Maryland. In the near-term, there are real fiscal challenges that may affect the pace of progress. But working as a team, MDOT can implement the game changing policies and projects to leave no one behind.

For more information on the Active Transportation System in Maryland, please visit the 2050 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, at mdot.maryland.gov/bikeped.

Guiding Principals

Cars parked at the Halethorpe, MD MARC train station.

Guiding Principles are concepts that will guide MDOT in its decision-making process to support the State’s goals for the transportation system in Maryland.

  • Equity: Integrate equity considerations in all aspects of transportation planning, programming, and operational processes.
  • Preservation: Preserve the condition of the existing transportation system assets to provide safe and efficient movement.
  • Resilience: Improve the transportation system’s ability to provide reliable service throughout natural weather events and man-made threats.
  • Modernization: Transform the transportation system by using proven technological improvements and exploring innovative new ideas.
  • Experience: Improve the experience of all transportation system users.


A birds-eye view of a highway.

Goals show, at the highest level, what MDOT plans to do by 2050. Together with the guiding principles they produce a vision of how the transportation system will serve Maryland, and the key outcomes MDOT desires for Maryland.

  • Enhance Safety and Security: By protecting the safety of all residents, workers, and visitors, Maryland will achieve zero trafficrelated fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Deliver System Quality: By investing to achieve system quality, MDOT will create an infrastructure program that is financially sustainable, environmentally resilient, and in a state of good repair.
  • Serve Communities and Support the Economy: By expanding transportation options to allow Maryland’s diverse communities to access opportunities and to support the movement of goods, MDOT will expand transit and active transportation use, and bolster the State’s economy.
  • Promote Environmental Stewardship: By minimizing and mitigating the environmental effects of transportation, Maryland will achieve a 20 percent reduction from 2019 in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita by 2050, a 40 percent reduction in on-road transportation sector greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2031, and move towards net-zero by 2045.
MDOT logo

Mission Statement

The Maryland Department of Transportation is a customer-driven leader that delivers safe, sustainable, intelligent, exceptional, and inclusive transportation solutions in order to connect our customers to life’s opportunities.


Coach’s Corner

Plan Introduction

The transportation system binds the State together. It connects Marylanders to jobs, goods, services, and each other. Delivering an efficient transportation system can enhance communities, protect the environment, drive economic mobility, and generate more capital investment. Every five years, Maryland law requires that MDOT update its long-range transportation plan, a planning document that reflects the application of programmatic transportation goals to project prioritization over a 20-year or longer planning horizon. The Playbook provides a long-term vision for how MDOT can seize opportunities and navigate challenges in the coming decades. The vision of the Playbook is to provide safe, reliable, accessible, equitable, and sustainable transportation options across the State.

Informed by input from Marylanders, the MTP examines the most critical transportation needs, identifies noteworthy trends, and crafts statewide goals and objectives. The purpose of the plan is to identify strategies to help MDOT achieve these goals and objectives, and provide the opportunity to work together to deliver a winning future for all Marylanders. The Playbook is aligned with the Moore-Miller Administration’s commitment to leave no one behind. Specifically, this plan identifies efforts to prioritize equity, the environment, and engagement with our communities, particularly our most underserved residents.

The Team

MDOT’s mission is to be a customer-driven leader that delivers safe, sustainable, intelligent, exceptional, and inclusive transportation solutions in order to connect our customers to life’s opportunities. A complete team effort is required to deliver on this mission. MDOT partners with federal, state, regional and local governments, stakeholders, and, most importantly, Marylanders, to solve problems and achieve progress in all regions of the State.

Marylanders are the most valuable players on the transportation team and our ultimate success is determined by how well our transportation system serves them.

MDOT’s mission is to be a customer-driven leader that delivers safe, sustainable, intelligent, exceptional, and inclusive transportation solutions in order to connect our customers to life’s opportunities.

MDOT’S Modal Administrations: Working Together to Create a Family of Plans

MDOT is comprised of six transportation modes, each of which play an important role in moving people and goods around Maryland and to neighboring states.

The Playbook is informed by and will inform future versions of the following MDOT modal administration plans: State Rail Plan, State Freight Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, Zero Emission Bus Transition Act Legislative Report, State Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Plan, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan, MAA Strategic Plan, MPA Strategic Plan, Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Strategic Asset Management Plan, Asset Management Plan, Shared Mobility Work Plan, Maryland Statewide Transit Plan, MARC Growth Transformation Plan and Connected & Automated Vehicle Strategic Framework. The Playbook is also informed by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Strategic Transformation Plan and the Moore-Miller Administration Guidance, MPO plans, long range plans from peer states, federal requirements, state priorities, public input, and stakeholder concerns. Click here for a complete diagram of MDOT’s family of plans.

Plan Timeline

Winter 2022

Research and Analysis

Spring 2023

Strategic Direction Development
Outreach Planning
Long-Term Needs Forecasting
Public Survey #1

Summer 2023

Strategy Development
Public Survey #2
Performance Measure Selection
Plan Review

Fall/Winter 2023

Public Comment Period
Recorded Webinar
Consolidated Transportation Program Tour Meetings

January 2024

2050 Playbook Published
Implement the Playbook


As part of the Playbook development, MDOT conducted extensive engagement both internally throughout MDOT and externally with its local, state, and regional planning partners, stakeholders, and the wider public.

A full memorandum detailing the public engagement and stakeholder outreach performed in service of the Playbook can be found in Appendix D.

The Attainment Report Advisory Committee (ARAC) is comprised of 20 members from public agencies, nonprofits, universities, and other organizations with a focus on transportation. The ARAC met four times to review the goals, benchmarks, and indicators, as well as to advise MDOT on the selection of appropriate performance measures and targets. More information on the ARAC can be found at mdot.maryland.gov/ARAC. We thank the Committee for their time and commitment.

The MDOT Planning Council is comprised of the Planning Directors and staff from each MDOT modal administration. The Council met four times during the Playbook development to discuss key milestones and discuss feedback.

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Roundtable Meetings were held with representatives from Maryland’s seven MPOs four times during the Playbook development to discuss key milestones and seek input.

The public provided feedback on the draft strategic direction, transportation needs, and budget allocation via Public Surveys. There were 2,523 respondents that provided 578 unique comments during two (2) rounds of surveying. Surveys were developed in MetroQuest and were available in Spanish, French, and an accessible MS Word document.

MDOT coordinated further Digital Engagement with its partners and the public via a project website, e-blasts/newsletters, social media posts, and a project web video. In addition to the feedback opportunities outlined above, updates were coordinated via the MDOTMTP@mdot.maryland.gov email.

Other Engagement methods included distributing bookmarks and posters with QR codes to county public libraries to distribute at local branches throughout the State. The public was invited to participate in the surveys and comment on the draft elements of the plan at various MPO meetings, active transportation outreach events, and Commuter Choice outreach events.

Have questions? Send them to MDOTMTP@mdot.maryland.gov.

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