Additional Resources
Family of Plans
The MTP informs, and is informed by, various multimodal plans and reports across MOOT, which is the MDOT “Family of Plans.” The list below includes some, but not all plans and reports, that are part of the MTP development.
Maryland Department of Transportation
- Maryland Transportation Plan
- Maryland Consolidated Transportation Program
- Maryland’s Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance
- State Freight Plan
- Maryland State Rail Plan
- Maryland Strategic Asset Management Plan
- Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
- MDOT Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan (2024)
- Carbon Reduction Strategy (2023)
More information on Climate Change can be found at
Maryland Aviation Administration
Maryland Port Administration
Motor Vehicle Administration
Maryland Transportation Authority
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
The Appendix includes technical memos and reports that provide further detail on the trends analysis, plan development process, and performance measures.
- Appendix A: System Performance Report
- Appendix B: Attainment Report and Attainment Report Advisory Committee
- Appendix C: Conditions, Trends, and Challenges Technical Memo
- Appendix D: Engagement Technical Memo
- Appendix E: Strategic Direction Technical Memo
- Appendix F: MTP Action Plan
Glossary of Terms
Active Transportation: Active Transportation is using human-powered means of travel, which includes walking and bicycling with or without the use of mobility aids and may also include using other human-scaled or micro-mobility devices that may be electric-powered or electric-assisted, such as e-bikes and e-scooters.
Alternative Fuel Corridor: As designated by the FHWA, alternative fuel corridors are major national highways with EV charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure at strategic locations.
Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance (AR): Pursuant to Transportation Article Section 2-103.1 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the State is required to develop or update an annual performance report on the attainment of transportation goals and benchmarks in the MTP and Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP). The Attainment Report must be presented annually to the Governor and General Assembly before they may consider the MTP and CTP.
Attainment Report Advisory Committee (ARAC): Pursuant to Transportation Article 2-103.1(j), the ARAC is convened each time MDOT develops a new long-range transportation plan. The ARAC serves as an advisory group with a focus on reviewing the plan goals, benchmarks, and indicators in order to advise MDOT on the selection of appropriate performance measures and targets.
Automated Vehicles (AV): AV have numerous driving automation features, these features allow the vehicle to operate at different levels of automation depending upon the features that are in place.
Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA): The CSNA was passed into law in 2022 and provides Maryland emissions reduction targets. The 2031 target is to reduce emissions by 60 percent and “net zero” by 2045.
Commuter Choice Maryland: An incentive program designed primarily to encourage Maryland employees to consider switching to alternative transportation choices, like transit, vanpool/ carpool, telework, or alternative work hours.
Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART): CHART is an incident management system aimed at improving real-time travel conditions on Maryland’s highway system. CHART is a joint effort of MDOT SHA, MDTA, and the Maryland State Police, in cooperation with other federal, state, and local agencies.
Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP): A six-year program of capital projects, which is updated annually to add new projects and reflect changes in financial commitments.
COVID-19 Pandemic: On March 5, 2020, a “Declaration of State of Emergency and Existence of Catastrophic Health Emergency – COVID-19” proclamation was issued in Maryland due to the outbreak of disease (COVID-19) caused by the novel coronavirus that occurred in Hubei province, China, in late 2019. There were subsequent orders from the Maryland Governor related to the ongoing pandemic, implementing closures of services and stay at home restrictions in an effort to slow/stop the spread of the virus. As of July 1, 2021, all COVID-19 related orders by the Maryland Governor had been lifted. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Maryland Department of Health continue to monitor the spread of the original virus and variants thereof to issue guidance in the ongoing pandemic.
Electric Vehicle (EV): Cars that are capable of traveling only on electric power supplied by a battery. There are two main types of EV currently on the market: Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), powered solely by electricity stored in a battery pack in the car and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), vehicles where the battery pack lets them travel several miles on electricity before a range-extending gasoline engine takes over.
Equity: The 2050 MTP uses the Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA) (2022), a state law with provisions to reduce negative environmental impacts on overburdened and underserved communities. Overburdened communities are defined as any census tract for which three or more of 21 environmental health indicators are above the 75th percentile. Underserved communities are defined as any census tract where the most recent census survey shows: At least 25% of the residents qualify as low-income; or At least 50% of the residents identify as non-white; or At least 15% of the residents have limited English proficiency.
Fiscal Year (FY)/ Federal Fiscal Year (FFY): A yearly accounting period covering the period between July 1 and June 30 of each reporting year (FFY: October 1 to September 30).
Greenhouse Gas (GHG): Any of various gaseous compounds (such as carbon dioxide or methane) that absorb infrared radiation, trap heat in the atmosphere, and contribute to the greenhouse effect. The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to U.S. GHG emissions.
Locally Operated Transit Systems (LOTS): Maryland transit systems that provide primarily bus service and demand response within the local areas in which they operate. They are funded through a combination of federal, state, and local money. MDOT provides financial, technical, and operating support for these services.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): The IIJA (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or BIL) was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021, authorizing $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure spending with $550 billion of that total going toward “new” investments and programs.
Maryland Commission on Transportation Revenue and Infrastructure Needs (the TRAIN Commission): Maryland, as directed by the General Assembly, Provisions of Chapter 455, Acts of 2023, has established the Commission to review and make recommendations to improve existing transportation revenues, investment decisions, MDOT operations, among others. The 31 members are required to submit an interim report due to the Governor and legislature by January 1, 2024, and a final report by January 1, 2025. To learn more about the Commission, visit
Maryland State Data Center (MSDC): MSDC is an official partner with the U.S. Census Bureau. MSDC monitors development trends, analyzes social, economic and other characteristics and prepares population, housing, employment, labor force and income projections, which provide the baseline for planning for growth and development in the State.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs): An MPO is the policy board of an organization created and designated to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process. MPOs are required to represent localities in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000, as determined by the U.S. Census. MPOs are designated by agreement between the governor and local governments that together represent at least 75 percent of the affected population (including the largest incorporated city, based on population) or in accordance with procedures established by applicable State or local law.
Overburdened Communities: Any census tract in which three or more of the following environmental health indicators are above the 75th percentile statewide:
- (I) particulate matter (PM) 2.5;
- (II) ozone;
- (III) National Air Toxic Assessment (NATA) diesel PM;
- (IV) NATA cancer risk;
- (V) NATA respiratory hazard index;
- (VI) traffic proximity;
- (VII) lead paint indicator;
- (VIII) national priorities list superfund site proximity;
- (IX) risk management plan facility proximity;
- (X) hazardous waste proximity;
- (XI) wastewater discharge indicator;
- (XII) proximity to a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO);
- (XIII) percent of the population lacking broadband coverage;
- (XIV) asthma emergency room discharges;
- (XV) myocardial infarction discharges;
- (XVI) low-birthweight infants;
- (XVII) proximity to emitting power plants;
- (XVIII) proximity to a toxic release inventory (TRI) facility;
- (XIX) proximity to a brownfields site;
- (XX) proximity to mining operations; and
- (XXI) proximity to a hazardous waste landfill
Shared Mobility: Shared mobility refers to a transportation strategy by which users can access various types of services or products, including bicycles, scooters, or ride-sharing on demand. These offerings provide transportation options.
State Report on Transportation (SRT): The SRT is prepared annually and distributed to the General Assembly, local elected officials, and interested citizens. It consists of three documents, the MTP, the AR, and the CTP.
Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP): A SHSP is a federally required statewide-coordinated safety plan that provides a framework for reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on roadways.
Transit Oriented Development (TOD): In 2008, the legislature adopted a definition of TOD. As defined in statute, a TOD is: “a dense, mixed-use deliberately planned development within a half-mile of transit stations that is designed to increase transit ridership.”
Travel Demand Management (TDM): TDM strategies support the use of alternatives to the traditional single-occupant vehicle through a variety of programs and incentives (e.g., carpooling, car sharing, transit, Park-and-Ride facilities, teleworking, and flexible work hours).
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): A measurement of the total miles traveled by all vehicles.
Zero Emissions Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC): The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (EVIC) was established by state legislation in 2011 (and expanded in 2019 to include zero emission vehicles). ZEEVIC is charged with development of policies, recommendations, and incentives that increase awareness, support ownership, and promote investment by the private sector of and in ZEVs. ZEEVIC also develops recommendations for a statewide EV charting and hydrogen refueling infrastructure plan and other potential policies to promote and facilitate successful integration of ZEVs into Maryland’s transportation network.
Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV): A ZEV is a vehicle that does not emit harmful emissions from the engine. ZEVs include, but are not limited to, battery electric vehicles which are 100% zero emissions, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).
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